Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Classic Italian Wedding

Italians Weddings: A Family affair-by Eleonora Galli
I ask my guestblogger Eleonora Galli from Italy, if she could write something about Italian weddings, and of course she could :)
Next week theire is the GREAT Royal wedding in England..
so the fever on the blog is getting HOT..we will continue this weekend with wedding specials

Beautiful wedding from Vogue ITALY

There is a famous filme named "Matrimonio all italiana" translate: Italia´s Wedding with Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni, is one of my favorite movie and I think it represent really good and in a funny way the importance and meaning that Italian pople give at the wedding.

Italians think the wedding not as a simly thing,not just a party where celebrate love, but is something else is lika a window for the family in wich show hoe the family is closes e wealhty,we do a wedding not just for love but as an exposition of all the family involved;the bride´s family and also the groom´s family,wedding in
Italy (as almost everything) is a family affair.
There are some elements in wich focuses all the attention to realize a perfect wedding to talk about to take as a metro for all the past and future weddings:
  • The church,usually the wedding take place in the church of the bride,that is where the bride born and grow up here village´s church
  • .The wedding dress must be princely,we don¨t use the dress the bridesmaids in the same way or to say to them what to wear.
  • Flowers must be everywhere,flowers is one of the thing in which the wedding is judged,they have to be a lot and expensive.
  • Jokes, Italians weddingsare really funny because during them we used to makes a lot of ironic jokes on the newlyweds.
  • You should have a lot of invited,relatives and friends
But the most important thing is the wedding banquet. Food is the main thing with an Italian wedding is judge,everybody will talk about the food;it was good,it was enough,ecc...All the family would be judge good or bad depending on the banquet,and the wedding would be remeber mainly for that particular. Both families spend most of their money on food and the location, it could be a Villa or in a resturant,but most of the time are old Villas, really beautiful.

And thats what Italians wedding are really expensive and a family affair. I personally don¨t like the way we do our wedding I´m more for a privet and simply cermony, but all depends on taste and mostly the bride´s taste !
I have to mention that I¨m from north of Italy and in our country there are important differences from the North and the South, I think that what I say something that we can find in every Italians wedding but there are many elements that depends from the place you came from.
                                                                                    - By Eleonora Galli

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